Harmony International Music Academy, has as its fundamental reference the Italian Constitution, the current legislation and the Articles of Association under the legal aspect.
The Association is a Volunteer Organization whose spirit and practice conform to full respect for the human, spiritual and cultural dimension of the person. The Association is also non-partisan, democratic and non-profit: the members offer their services free of charge.

Harmony International Music Academy O.D.V. (Volunteer Organization) è l'approdo nel complesso mondo del terzo settore dopo circa 30 anni di attività concertistica, gestione - presidenza e direzione artistica di: presidency and artistic direction about: musical associations, concert seasons, international selections and auditions for concerts, acting and music concerts, collaborations with related patronage and sponsorships with public and private bodies, military clubs, national museums, theaters - foundations and Roman basilicas.
Harmony International Music Academy ODV (no-profit organization), is a natural harbor in the complex world of the third sector after about 35 years of concert activity, management - presidency and artistic direction of musical associations, concert seasons, selections and international auditions for concerts, acting and music concerts, collaborations with patronages and sponsorships with public and private entities, military clubs, national museums, theaters – Associations, Roman basilicas.
- "Ass. Mus. L'Italia Musicale" - S. Genesio Theater - Concerts
- "Ass. Mus. A.M.O.R". "Teatro Metastasio" Assisi - Concerti - Perfezionamento musicale
- "Ass. Mus. Amici di Castel S. Angelo" - Concerti
- "Ass. Mus. Ferenc Liszt" - International Selection for Concerts and Concert Season (from 1990 to 1993)
- "Bösendorfer Italia - Alfonsi Pianoforti – Austrian Culture Institute " Concert for the Mozartian bicentenary
- "Arts Academy" Anzio Festival '91 Concerts and International Master Class
- "Gruppo Musicale Sallustiano G.M.S" International Selection for Concerts, 1994, '95 and Concert Season
-- "Ass. Mus. A.D.M.I.R.A." - S. Luca Theater - Circ. Uff. FF. AA. Barberini Palace - Indonesia Embassy to Holy See (Concerts and international selection for concerts)
- "Ass. Mus. A.D.M.I.R.A." - S. Luca Theater - Circ. Uff. FF. AA. Barberini Palace - Indonesia Embassy to Holy See (Concerts and international selection for concerts)
- Anzio "Casinò Paradiso sul mare" Summer Season Concerts 1997
- "B.N.L. di Roma" - Telethon 1998
- "Basilica S. Maria del Popolo" Concerts for 2 Harpsichords and Orchestra BWV 1060 e 1061
- "Ass. Mus. Musica Rigore Formazione" Auditorium del Massimo
- Circ. Uff. "Guardia di Finanza Villa Spada" Concert Season, Conference on Musical Bands
- National Museum of the Early Middle Ages
- National Museum of Popular Arts and Traditions
- Public High School "Farnesina" - Public High School "Farnesina" - Music season at the Museum
88 Key Piano Competition
- Concert Lessons, "La Sapienza University" "Day of Culture" Mathematical Music and Philosophy
- "Basilica S. Maria sopra Minerva" Easter Concert G.B.Pergolesi: Stabat Mater for Soli and Orchestra
- G.B.Pergolesi: Stabat Mater for Soli and Orchestra
- "Ass. Mus. Villa Harmony Concerts" Musical Evenings "Concerts in Villa" - S.G.M Theater "Concert for Peace"
- "Concerts in Villa" - S.G.M Theater "Concert for Peace"
- "O.D.V. Harmony International Music Academy" in collaboration with: "Teatro Farà Nume" International Festival "Art Shapes
- "UNICEF, GESUITI COMMUNITY" - Concert for the Immaculate Conception
- S.G.M Theater Foundation - Fita Lazio - Salamandra studio recording - Romae Philharmonia Orchestra (first concert only)
- Aracne Tv - "Concert season 2019/2020"
- S.G.M Theater Foundation - Fita Lazio - Salamandra studio recording - Aracne Tv (in preparation for next autumn): "International Selection for Concerts and Concert Season October - June 2020-2021"

- Dissemination of musical culture in the world in order to facilitate its approach, in particular to young talents;
- The expansion of knowledge of musical, literary and artistic culture, through contacts, with people, organizations, associations and public and private organizations;
- Development of the educational horizons of educators , teachers and operators in the sector so that they know how to transmit the love for musical culture as a social value;
- Offer prospects for professional placement, at a time when, in our country, operators in the sector find it increasingly difficult to achieve and / or career opportunities.
- Development of the educational horizons of educators , teachers and operators in the sector so that they know how to transmit the love for musical culture as a social value;
- Offer prospects for professional placement, at a time when, in our country, operators in the sector find it increasingly difficult to achieve and / or career opportunities.
Music, in particular classical music, is a form of art that has various educational and therapeutic potentials and represents a tool that improves relations between peoples. The communication that facilitates an improvement within the ego states on a psychological, emotional and cognitive level as well as on a physical level is also relevant.
Prof Daniel J Levitin has shown that listening to classical music generates the following advantages while he examined over 400 studies focused on research in "neurochemistry":
- Clear and significant benefits for mental and physical health;
- Boosts the functions of the immune system with an increase in both immunoglobin A and cells (natural Killer-lymphocytes);
- Reduces stress levels and levels of Cortisol, the stress hormone;
- Reduces stress levels, compared to anxiolytic drugs, by promoting the production of Oxytocin defined as the love hormone.
- Clear and significant benefits for mental and physical health;
- Boosts the functions of the immune system with an increase in both immunoglobin A and cells (natural Killer-lymphocytes);
- Reduces stress levels and levels of Cortisol, the stress hormone;
- Reduces stress levels, compared to anxiolytic drugs, by promoting the production of Oxytocin defined as the love hormone.
- Reduces stress levels and levels of Cortisol, the stress hormone;
- Reduces stress levels, compared to anxiolytic drugs, by promoting the production of Oxytocin defined as the love hormone.


Cinzia Colabucci
Cinzia Colabucci is the President of Harmony International Music Academy, a position she has held since October 2014.
Born in Rome, she completed her musical studies at the Conservatory of Santa Cecilia in Rome, under the guidance of Maestro Pieralberto Biondi and later, she perfected at the Arts Academy with Maestro Fausto Di Cesare ...
Cinzia Colabucci
is the President of Harmony International Music Academy, a position she has held since October 2014.
Born in Rome, she completed her musical studies at the Conservatory of Santa Cecilia in Rome, under the guidance of Maestro Pieralberto Biondi and later, she perfected at the Arts Academy with Maestro Fausto Di Cesare.
When She was very young She won in Assisi the A.M.O.R. courses masterclass selection held by Maestro Paul Badura Skoda and in the same period participated to the masterclass of the Hungarian master György Sandor.
Cinzia’s style and artistic knowledge was strongly influeced by the Hungarian pianist Marta Blaha, a pupil of the great Hungarian Maestro Leo Weiner. In this period, in Duo with her brother Marco, she focused on the four-handed piano repertoire, for two pianos and with Orchestra. Having Blaha studied with M ° Weiner, gave them the opportunity to further explore his compositions, adding to their repertoire, many pieces of this original composer.
Cinzia won awards in numerous competitions and musical reviews (international competition City of Rome, Ama Calabria), she has a vast repertoire from Baroque to Contemporary, solo and chamber music.
Fundamental in her professional life was the collaboration with severeal associations for the following activities:
- Training for admission to Conservatories
- Organization of concert seasons
- Listening guide and concert lessons for musical high schools, the National Museum of the Early Middle Ages and the Museum of Popular Arts and Traditions in Rome
- Organization of musical events at the Logistics Center of the "Villa Spada" in Rome
- Organization of piano competitions
- Organization of conferences including "Harmonies of life" focused on the relationship between Mathematics, Music and Philosophy organized in the Aula Magna of the "La Sapienza" University of Rome
- Organization of Aperitif Concerts.
Roles in associations
- Musical Association "Ferenc Liszt" from 1990 to 1993 Artistic director.
- Musical Association G.M.S "Sallustiano Music Group" from '94 to '97 Artistic director
- Musical Association A.D.M.I.R.A. "Musical Didactic Association and Artistic Acting" from 1998 to 2010 Artistic director
- Musical Association "Musica Rigore Formazione" from 2011 to 2015 Vice president
- Musical Association "The Concerts of Villa Harmony" from 2015 to 2019 President
- Musical Association "Harmony International Music Academy O.D.V." from 2019 to today President

Paolo Tramontano
Paolo Tramontano is the Founder and the President of Harmony Group.
Economist and Lecturer, he is a famous entrepreneur in the cosmetic and medical devices sector, as well as a consultant for numerous companies always in the cosmetic and aesthetic field...
Paolo Tramontano
is the Founder and the President of Harmony Group.
He is an Economist and Lecturer. He is also a famous entrepreneur in the cosmetic and medical device industry. Tramontano is a consultant for numerous companies, always in the cosmetic and aesthetic field.
Paolo Tramontano has played many roles in different organizations, such as:
- C.E.O.
- StudioTFarma, consulting and high pharmaceutical training, biotechnology and dermo-cosmetics
- Vice President Music Association "Harmony International Music Academy O.D.V" - Lecturer at contract University "Sapienza" in Rome
- Training partners "Hermes University" and "ADECA" Association of Campania Dermatologists

Maurizio D'Ovidio
Maurizio D'Ovidio is the Artistic Director of the Harmony International Music Academy Association.
Graduated from the Conservatory of Santa Cecilia in Rome. He studied with the Masters Edoardo Aguero Zapata and Rodolfo Caporali. Very young he received the diploma of artistic merit at the "Zacharias da Brindisi" piano competition for the best performance of pieces by F. Chopin and the bronze medal at the "Coppa Pianisti d'Italia" in Osimo...
Maurizio D'Ovidio
is the Artistic Director of the Harmony International Music Academy Association.
Graduated at S. Cecilia Conservatory in Rome studying with the Masters Edoardo Aguero Zapata and Rodolfo Caporali.Very young, he received an artistic merit diploma for best performance of pieces by F. Chopin at the "Zacharias da Brindisi" piano competition and the bronze medal at the "Coppa Pianisti d'Italia" in Osimo.
Winner of the National Selection of Young Concert Players of Rome (Castel Sant'Angelo) and winner of the A.M.O.R scholarship for “Assisi89” called upon all International specialization courses.
From 1987 to 1991 he attended the interpretation seminars of the masters Andor Foldes, Gyorgy Sandor, Fout's Ong and the Master courses held by maestro Fausto Di Cesare at the Ars Academy in Rome.
Dal 1987 al 1991 ha seguito i seminari di interpretazione dei maestri Andor Foldes, Gyorgy Sandor, Fout's Ong ed i corsi di perfezionamento tenuti dal maestro Fausto Di Cesare presso la Ars Academy di Roma.
Maurizio held concerts for numerous musical institutions; Friends of music of Castel S. Angelo, Ghione Theater, S. Genesio Theater, Tempietto, Metastasio Municipal Theater of Assisi, in 1990 for the Mozartian bicentenary in collaboration with the Austrian Institute for Tourism and the Boesendorfer, Keiros Theater, Barberini Palace, Villa Spada, National Museum of the Early Middle Ages, National Museum of Popular Arts and Traditions.
He actively participated to charity activities as pianist and concert organizer for various institutions; Indonesia Embassy to the Holy See, Telethon BNL, circ.uff.FF.AA. Barberini palace, San Luca Theater, Tito Brandsma Auditorium, National Museum of the Early Middle Ages, National Selection for Concerts. He has been official tuner technician for all the above activities plus at Musical High School “Farnesina” for the academic year 2012/2013.
From 2010 to 2013 in addition to concerts, he also organized the 88-key competition as well as concert lessons for middle and high schools and music lounges.
Experienced teacher and piano expert, and since 1990 also a specialized technician and tuner.
Phone: +39 3356090454